
74-400 Dębno, ul. Kostrzyńska 31

Contact persons

Herr Robert Starczewski

Ihr Ansprechpartner Robert Starczewski

Frau Natalia Koszcz

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin Natalia Koszcz

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How to get there

Anfahrt Mahon

Our mission

Unsere Mission

  • The true beauty is in details.
    We take care of them
  • We value elegance and simplicity
  • The integrity of form and striving for perfection is of utmost importance

Elegance & Quality

Eleganz und Holzqualität

Many Customers prefer a discreet elegance, and hence, they choose classic design combined with high quality of wood and an appropriate colour. Thanks to our many years experience, we know how to make beautiful stairs and doors so that they complement the interior. We advise on details, propose different variants, types of wood and present final effects of previous products.

See how we work

Mahon Produktvideo

Watch a film presenting our style of work. We are proud of our modern machine park as well as experiences workers. Thanks to them it has been 10 years since we started offering our customers the most unique designs of stairs and doors.